Simple Preparations

Crunchy Asparagus

I make my asparagus very simply and it takes less than 5 minutes. There are no real measurements, even though I showcase this process in recipe form. I simply make it to taste using the process described in the instructions below.  This recipe has converted many an asparagus hater to an asparagus lover. My favorite story is when these two little girls (at the time ages 6 and 9) I used to homeschool did not want a helping of the asparagus I made for lunch. They said they did not like asparagus. I said with great delight, “Oh! Well, more for me!” I’ll never forget them looking at me eat the first couple of stalks. LOL!!!! Makes me laugh every time!!! They looked at each other as if they had made a mistake and then asked if they could just taste one of them. I gave them each only one! They ate it with delight and asked for their whole serving. They related that they only had asparagus mushy and they did not like that kind. Well, “Me neither!!!” Fun times! *smile*

Yes, indeed, I love them this way. They’re still crispy; yet tender enough to eat — To be more than honest, I just cannot eat them soft!  The asparagus should be crunchy, not all mushy. I have yet to meet a person who truly likes soft asparagus.

Asparagus make a great side dish. Now, there are both rather thin and thick asparagus, but I prefer the thicker ones (as shown in the feature picture). They should turn a bright green after two minutes. If your asparagus do not seem done; they may need an extra minute. Unless they are some extra husky-thick asparagus, do not go over two minutes. *smile*

Now, a bit about asparagus: Asparagus are great for women’s health, which includes fertility and pregnancy; and don’t be jealous men, they help with men’s health too.  Asparagus are nutrient-dense with vitamins, minerals and essential proteins.  They boast various vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc.  Eating them may benefit various bodily ailments, including arthritis, digestion, depression, cancer, kidney stones, neurological disorders, and more (Read about the benefits of asparagus in an article from Organic Facts). They are definitely one of my top vegetables!

Now without further ado, here’s the recipe! …

Crunchy Asparagus


  • A bunch of asparagus or two *smile*
  • An organic lemon
  • 1 Tablespoon cold-pressed extra-virgin Olive oil
  • Sea salt or pink Himalayan salt (to taste)
  • Monk’s/papaya pepper (to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast flakes, optional


  1. Wash the asparagus.
  2. Break off the ends by grabbing each asparagus by each end while bending it to its natural snapping point. The asparagus will automatically snap where it is less fibrous.  Alternatively, you may simply cut off the ends.
  3. Boil enough water to cover the bunch, and once the water is at a rolling boil, place the asparagus into the water and boil them for EXACTLY TWO (2) minutes. 
  4. Drain them into a colander. 
  5. Return them to the pot, and drizzle bit of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, lightly sprinkle salt, and zest an organic lemon, then cut and squeeze a bit of lemon juice (if lemons are not organic, just juice the lemons), ground a bit of pepper to taste, and a sprinkle of nutritional yeast or plant-based Parmesan cheese, if desired, and mix together. 
  6. Enjoy!!! 

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