Simple Preparations

Maria’s Muesli

This muesli is just marvelous!!! I have been eating muesli since childhood. It was usually made for Sabbath dinner. This recipe is raw, simple, and so quick to put together. The fiber and the array of nutrients present within this combination make this meal perfect for satiation. If chewed thoroughly, it is extremely satisfying as a complete meal. I love one-pot meals, especially when they taste terrific! As a child, I certainly looked forward to it. For those who care, there’s no unnatural sugar, oil, salt, or dairy present in this meal … Just pure, wholesome goodness! *smile*

Now, a short story about this particular recipe. From time to time, my sister-in-law would ask me to help her with a recipe. Muesli is one she loves. Now, she’s a bit picky with textures; so often the recipes would need to be adjusted to suit her. So, one day, while I was showing her how to make muesli, she asked if she could change the fruit. I told her she could change anything she wanted. This is how the recipe for Maria’s Muesli was born. For instance, in the original recipe, we used shredded coconut. Well, she doesn’t like the texture of shredded coconut; so I suggested that we substitute coconut milk. She thought there was too much raisins; so we cut back on those. She wanted it a little sweeter; so I suggested we add maple syrup. She wanted more fruit; so we included berries and cherries. We tasted it and we love it! By the way, my sister-in-law, Maria, also gets the photo credit for this post’s feature photo, as she just made her muesli for Sabbath dinner, paired toasted bread and a nut butter of choice (not shown). Rice cakes will also work. This is an extremely light meal, but filling at the same time.

You may eat the muesli as is or lightly sprinkle the top with coriander or a bit of roasted carob (don’t overdo it though). If you like wheat germ or grounded flax seeds, these make wonderful toppings as well. Whatever the topping, what a delightful meal this is! *smile*

One last thing, though I like to use organic everything, it doesn’t always fit my budget. This recipe should taste as good without the fruit being organic. Where I use frozen fruit, you may use fresh. Always pay attention to your budget and PRAY God’s blessings upon your food!

Now, without any further ado, here’s the recipe! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Maria’s Muesli


  • 4 cups rolled whole oats
  • 2 large or 3 small organic gala apples (or any kind you want), diced
  • 1 fresh ripe pineapple crushed in food processor
  • 1 cup walnuts, chopped
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 2 cups frozen organic cherries
  • 1 ½  cup fresh organic blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla, no alcohol
  • ½ cup Grade A Maple syrup (or less to taste)
  • 12 ounces 100% coconut milk, unsweetened
  • 32 ounces organic cold-pressed pineapple juice (or preferred brand)


  1. Dice apples into cubes (a potato/onion dicer works great for this) and set aside.
  2. Then peel one medium ripe pineapple, core, and crush in food processor  (This should be about 12-16 ozs) and now you’re ready to layer.
  3. In a large container with lid, layer first seven ingredients.  
  4. Now for the liquid: If you really want to keep it fresh, you may juice the core of the crushed pineapple and juice other ripe pineapples for the juice, and add water if not 32 ounces, but not too much water.  However, I usually a bottle of cold-pressed pineapple juice.  You may use any 100% pineapple you can find, but canned pineapple juice would be my last option because it leaves a hint of a metal taste.  
  5. Pour 12 oz. of 100% coconut milk in a jar and add maple syrup and shake well. Then, mix vanilla in pineapple juice. Starting with pineapple juice, pour liquids over the rest of the ingredients. Stir to combine all ingredients. 
  6. Cover the container with lid and let sit 12-24 hours (or overnight) in the refrigerator.  The raw oats will absorb the most of the liquid during this period (I usually make it 18-24 hours in advance because it just tastes better once everything is all absorbed).
  7. Sprinkle with coriander or eat as is. Enjoy! 

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